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Immingham, Stallingborough
and Habrough

Meet your Liberal Democrat Campaigner


Dave Barton

Having been born and raised in Immingham by parents who instilled in me the values of community service and stewardship, I am deeply committed to the wellbeing of our area. These values have guided me as I raised my own family in the ward.


As a dedicated Town Councillor for the past 14 years, I share your concerns about the neglect that our area has suffered under both Labour and Conservative administrations at NELC. Like you, I am frustrated by issues such as dog fouling, graffiti, and the lack of enforcement across our ward – all while council tax continues to rise.


If elected, I pledge to deliver on my promises and work diligently to serve our community and help our area to flourish. I will persist to work tirelessly to strengthen the area we call home, ensu ring it remains a place we all love and cherish.

We Need Your Support Today!

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