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Lib Dem Motion for Cleaner Rivers Passed

The Grimsby and Cleethorpes Liberal Democrats have achieved a resounding triumph for North East Lincolnshire, as their 5-point plan calling on the local authority to help safeguard and protect local rivers, was passed with unanimous support by all parties in Full Council.

Presented with unwavering determination by Councillor Nicola Aisthorpe, the motion addressed the urgent issue of sewage dumping in local waterways and outlined 5 comprehensive actions to ensure the well-being of local, cherished waterways.

“We are absolutely delighted with this result” said Councillor Nicola Aisthorpe. “The shocking state of our local rivers is not a challenge we can afford to ignore, nor should we rely solely on the government to solve it for us because regrettably, history has shown that relying solely on promises of change may not be enough. We cannot risk waiting another 13 years of Government ‘dithering’ before action is taken”.

“In the view of the Liberal Democrats, it was high time for the local authority to step up and be part of the solution, showing leadership and a commitment to safeguarding our rivers from pollution”. she added.

The 5-point plan not only calls for stronger measures from North East Lincolnshire Council to actively help protect local waterways, but also emphasises the Council's accountability in ensuring they do not contribute to the problem through their own actions. It also advocates for transparent communication with the public, with an online hub on the Council's website providing regular updates on the actions taken.

Nicola continued, “We extend our heartfelt thanks to all who signed the petition. This victory is a testament to the support of over 1000 people who placed their trust in the Liberal Democrats to lead the charge for cleaner rivers and a brighter future in North East Lincolnshire. Together, we have taken a significant step towards stopping sewage pollution in our rivers, and a more sustainable and prosperous environment for all” she concluded.

The Grimsby and Cleethorpes Liberal Democrats' commitment to safeguarding natural assets and the health of local rivers has been met with overwhelming support from all parties, making this a truly momentous occasion.

Our 5 Point Plan for Cleaner Rivers

  1. Ensure the Council's 'Natural Assets Plan' and the 'Local Plan' supports river and coastal recovery.

  2. Embed river recovery in all strategic decisions, budgets and approaches to decisions by the Council (particularly in planning, regeneration and economic policy).

  3. Create an online portal on the Council website to update the public on the river and coastal recovery process.

  4. Write to Anglian Water to request details of their plans to eradicate the practice of untreated sewage discharge to local rivers and coastal waters.

  5. Work where possible with Anglian Water, the Environment Agency, Grimsby and Cleethorpes MPs, Coastal Partnerships, and other agencies, to combat threats to the quality of water in our local rivers and coastal waters.​

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