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What a Lot of Litter

Over the new year period, the East Marsh Ward Liberal Democrat team have been out and bout, working hard to keep the East Marsh clean.

They’ve been out litter picking, and often reported over 60 issues to the council per week.

Lib Dem Campaigner Loyd Emmerson said: “I am passionate about our local environment, and I know that Nicola and Steve care for our area - that is why I have joined them. I want to see a cleaner and greener East Marsh.

“While I was out in the ward litter picking, I was amazed at the amount of support that we received.

“Residents appreciated our efforts to make the East Marsh litter free. We know it is not fair that our area is in this mess and that is why we will be out regularly".

Lib Dem Cllr Nicola Aisthorpe said: “I am really pleased that Loyd has joined us. He is already hitting the ground running and is making a massive difference.


“Many residents ask us why they question why they should pay their council tax, because they never see a Council litter picker. They are pleased that we are out again, but I also agree with our residents. Our area is neglected by thee Conservative administration of North East Lincolnshire Council. However, you can be rest assured that we will not let you down.”


Lib Dem Councillor Steve Beasant added: “Nicola, Loyd and I have worked really hard together over the New Year. In just four days we collected 65 really big bags of litter.

"With your help we can bring back some community pride. Work with us to banish litter and fly tipping for good.”

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